Regularization of Contractual Employees 2021

Posted by on Nov 18, 2022 in Uncategorized | No Comments

In recent years, the regularization of contractual employees has been a hot topic in the labor industry. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue has become even more pressing as many workers have lost their jobs or have been forced to work under precarious employment arrangements. In light of this, the Philippine government has taken steps to address the issue of contractualization, including the passage of laws aimed at protecting workers` rights and promoting fair labor practices.

On Labor Day 2021, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) reiterated its commitment to end contractualization and promote the regularization of workers. This move is in line with the administration`s goal of ensuring decent work and social protection for all Filipinos, regardless of their employment status.

Regularization of contractual employees refers to the process of converting workers from contractual status to regular employment, providing them with job security, and ensuring that they receive the same wages and benefits as regular employees. This move is critical to protecting workers from labor exploitation and ensuring that they receive the benefits and protections they are entitled to under the law.

Under the Department Order No. 174, series of 2017, DOLE laid down the guidelines for the regularization of workers in the private sector. The order provides for the compulsory regularization of employees who have been engaged in lawful contractual arrangements for more than six months, with some exceptions. Employers who fail to comply with the order face penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

Despite the legal protection provided by the order, many employers still engage in contractualization practices, especially in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and service. These practices rob workers of their right to job security, fair wages, and benefits, and also undermine the country`s economic growth potential.

This is where the government`s role comes in. By strictly enforcing existing labor laws and implementing measures that encourage the regularization of workers, the government can help create a conducive environment for businesses to invest and grow and improve the lives of millions of workers and their families.

In conclusion, the regularization of contractual employees is a crucial issue that should be given much attention. We must ensure that all workers are guaranteed decent work and social protection, and that employers comply with labor laws to ensure that our economy benefits everyone. As we celebrate Labor Day this year, let us recommit ourselves to the promotion of the Filipino worker`s rights and welfare and strive to attain progress and development that is inclusive and sustainable for all.